Cafe St Honore

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“A classic dish, it has everything you need: just warm potatoes, green beans, radishes, fat and sweet olives, and new season tomatoes. Even sun-dried tomatoes are delicious through this. And of course, the anchovy and egg. A rich, organic soft-boiled egg brings the dish together and creates a dressing in itself. Topped with a drizzle of good, extra-virgin olive oil I am happy to sit and eat that plate of food with a cold glass of rosé.”

Serves 2

Prep time: 20 minutes; cooking time: 15 minutes


1 organic egg

A small handful of green beans

A few tomatoes, chopped (or a tablespoon of sun-dried tomatoes, chopped

6 anchovy fillets

2 or 3 new potatoes

1 tablespoon of black kalamata olives, pitted and halved

A few watercress leaves

A drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil

Good salt and pepper


Boil the egg for 6 minutes to achieve a soft-boil. Cool, peel and cut in half.

Blanch the green beans in boiling, salted water for 4 minutes. Refresh in cold water.

Boil the potatoes until soft. Allow to cool slightly, then slice.

To create the salad, simply combine the still-warm potatoes with the beans. Then add the watercress, and tomatoes. Season, and add some olive oil.

Divide between two plates, then scatter over the anchovies and place each egg half on top. Add a touch more seasoning and an extra drizzle of olive oil. Serve at once.